Week Two

Reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change and learning about paradigm shifts. We perceive things the way we do because of the beliefs we have and the things we have been taught. Others do the same. So when we think differently it doesn't mean someone is uninformed or an idiot, it means that is what their life has taught them and that is how they see a situation.  (Last two paragraphs of page 41). There are natural laws-principles that cannot be altered. If our paradigm or map is off the principle still exists.

Personality Ethic vs. Character Ethic

Personality Ethic is made up of (PMA) positive mental attitude and personality, public image, behavior, skills, and techniques.

Character Ethic says there are basic principles that we need to integrate into our lives for enduring happiness. Traits like "...integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, modesty and the Golden rule."

This book gets more phenomenal as I read page by page. I hope I have the fortitude to take the action this book gives me the desire to take.

Proactive vs. Reactive. I have been a reactive person. I want to change and become Proactive. I have taken small steps in a couple of situations that I have come across at work and driving (I have some bad habits while driving. I pretty much hate everyone and think they are an idiot. Really I have been working on it for some years now and have made some improvements but it is time to take it to the next level.


Stimulus         -      Response
  FREEDOM to CHOOSE - independent will, conscience, imagination, self-awareness. These things can help us make a better response.

Intro to Entrepreneurship Week Two

What an amazing life Randy Pausch had. Some of the reasons he was able to reach so many of his childhood dreams could be that he had a passion for life. He was very driven. Lots of energy. He wanted those things to happen so he made them happen. He also had some good mentors along the way, a couple of coaches, that he learned some great life lessons from. One life lesson was how important fundamentals were in your life. It's nice to have the "ball" but how often do you have it? Life is more about fundamentals-relationships, hard work, attitude, and life long learning, etc. The other lesson a coach taught him was to have enthusiasm and I would say Randy had it in in spaids.

One of his more famous quotes: "Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted"  really hits home for me. Looking at a situation that didn't turn out how you hoped whether it be a business or a job or a relationship as experience to learn and grow from is so powerful. 

I believe having dreams is important, but you also have to realize that those dreams might take some work on your part. They don't just happen. You have to be intentional in your actions. Something I learned later in life.
The childhood dreams that I had were going to BYU, getting married in the temple, being a mother and living in Utah. I was born and raised in Salinas, California (where your lettuce comes from). Salinas is only 20-30 minutes from the beach and Monterey, California. I appreciate the beauty of Monterey much more now than when I lived near it. I have cousins that we visited every summer and for some reason, I wanted to move to Utah. I think it had more to do with Utah being "Mormon" headquarters and BYU than anything. 

I achieved my second goal when I was 20 years old. We were married in the Oakland, California temple. A couple of years later my third dream was realized when we had a beautiful baby daughter and then 14 months later a baby boy, unfortunately, it didn't last. But when I remarried a most wonderful man my children and I moved to Utah where he was living and my fourth dream was realized. I never reached my first goal of going to BYU (they said no when I applied) but now I am going to BYUI online and I am happy about that.
