Week 7

     The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey- summary

 Picking a Habit that means the most to me is a little tricky because of the way they build on each other and the excitement I felt as I read each habit. As I pondered this question I thought back to when I felt the most excited and had the Biggest aha moment (because there were many of them) and I chose Habit 1 - Being Proactive.

It is not in my nature to be proactive. It is in my nature to blame, justify and react. Though, at my age, I have made improvements, as I read I could see how much further I could still go and it was exciting. I want to be a confident 55-year-old woman and I don't want to waste too many more years working on it. I want it now. Well, I can choose that now and then choose to make my actions in line with a confident 55-year-old woman. I can act and be responsible for my actions not react. 

I can be proactive and take control of situations both physically and emotionally. I can step up and help out and not wait to be directed. I like to be in the background and help out after someone has stepped up and taken control that is fine sometimes. But if the need arises, either physically or emotionally, I can step up. For this, we use our imagination.

Once we work on the little things we can master bigger problems with our new personal responsibility, with making choices and writing our own story not being stuck with the story we either tell ourselves or maybe it is from our past. It is a choice. 

There are hundreds of examples of people whose lives have been tragic and they choose to grow and learn and become in spite of their conditions. For example, Victor Frankl, Joseph that was sold into Egypt...well, my mind is drawing a complete blank right now, but we know there are hundreds of stories. We must make the choice to be proactive no matter our circumstances. It is fundamental to the rest of the Habits.

