Week Twelve

Change Maker

What a marvelous thought; be a change maker. I love people who have a vision and the courage and determination to bring their vision to life. Even better is a person with a vision to help others. Elder Holland spoke of Mother Teresa. What an amazing woman and when she had someone challenge her that what she did made no difference she had an answer for them, she said, it was about love and not statistics. On another occasion, she said, “What we do is nothing but a drop in the ocean, but if we didn’t do it, the ocean would be one drop less [than it is].” What a profound statement. We don't have to cure or help the whole world just cure or help someone. I often think that I don't have a way to change the world, I guess that is not my calling or I am just not up to the task, but in reality, I know that any service is acceptable before God. 

Elder Gay in his talk Entrepreneurship and Consecration given at a BYU forum blessed us with some very good insights about our life's work. First, if your Heavenly Father isn't involved in your work or business life you need Him to be. You need to trust Him and do what He would have you do. Second, make your business so that it blesses the lives of others. It is about real people and real lives. Business is about service Elder Gay said. Elder Gay is passionate about what he says and what he believes and he believes our lives are about service. 

After hearing Elder Gay, I started to think about people who just have normal lives with normal jobs and are good people. Do these people not fall under what he is talking about? If these people have done what they think God has led them to do but their work doesn't specifically really heal or help people is it okay? I think if we do put our trust in God and pray to Him every day and serve those around us even if our business does not pull others out of poverty or save their lives it will be alright when it comes to reckoning day.  

I would love to be a change maker on a large scale someday, but in the meantime, I will have to be a change maker on a smaller scale.
